Carbon Emissions and Energy Consumption Across the Value Chain
- Development and Design: Electricity consumption in offices and development environments.
- Hosting and Data Processing: High electricity use in data centers (servers, cooling, networks).
- Content Delivery: Energy for global networks and CDN infrastructure.
- End-User Consumption: Power used by end-user devices and networking technology.
- Maintenance and Updates: Electricity for updates and continuous integration.
- Disposal: Energy for recycling and waste management.
The largest energy consumers are typically data centers and network infrastructure, followed by end-user device consumption. Sustainability initiatives, therefore, focus on energy-efficient data centers, renewable energy sources, and software optimization to reduce energy usage.
Basic information about your digital product
- Name of your digital Product (i)
- Type of digital Product (i)
- Country (i)
- Start-date of reporting (i)
- End-date of reporting (i)
- __Website, App, Podcast, Newsletter, E-Paper
- __USA, Germany, France, UK, Poland, Austria, Sweden, China, India, Canada, Mexico, Brasilia, South Africa...
- ______________________________
- ______________________________
Product type
- Website
- Podcast
- App
- Newsletter
- E-Reader
External data Center
1st best option: you know your data center emissions
- Data Center Emissions (kg CO2)
2nd best option: You know the costs
- Data Center Costs (Euro)
- Details on supplier specific Emission factor (see table below)
3rd best option: You don't know anything about your data center
Internal Data Center
- Ad impression (only applicable if you have ads on your product)
- if you know your Ad emission factor [gCO2/1000AI]
- Listenelement #3
Please enter the basic information about your digital product here.
- Mean Proportion of total data volume that is transferred via CDN services (value from 0-1)
Fixed line and cellular line
Customer Premises Networking
- Computer Impressions
- Smartphone Impressions
- Tablet Impressions
- TV Impressions
Size of product
- Size of product [kByte]
Time on product
- Time on product [hr]
- Video viewing time [hr]
- Downloads [-]
- Size of downloads [kByte]
- Downloads Service Time [hr]
- Listenelement #1
- Listenelement #2
- Listenelement #3
- Listenelement
Total Emissions
Emissions from Hosting & Data Processing
- Listenelement #1
- Listenelement #2
- Listenelement #3
- Listenelement
Emissions from Content Delivery
- Listenelement #1
- Listenelement #2
- Listenelement #3
- Listenelement
Emissions from End-User Consumption
- Listenelement #1
- Listenelement #2
- Listenelement #3
- Listenelement